Monday, October 13, 2008

I, For One, Welcome Our New Apple Overlords

After two bizarre, sleepless nights of iPod related dreams, I finally caved in and bought an iPod Touch. It's only the 8g and it can be a little buggy from time to time, but overall, it's a very slick package and a lot of fun. I've already got it set up to send text messages and make VOIP calls, although I don't have a microphone to try it out yet.

I'd really like to see Nintendo try their hand at the all-in-one device market, because aside from games, the iPod Touch has the DS and the PSP handily beat.


SuiginChou said...

"because aside from games, the iPod Touch has the DS and the PSP handily beat."

My $129 DS Lite would like to have a word with you.