The saga (sega?) continues...
Sam just bought the FC Twin system, which plays both NES and SNES cartridges (well, with a few exceptions...) In addition, Sam convinced me to buy Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie for the Sega Genesis. DON'T LAUGH! If memory serves correctly, this beat-em-up is just as good as the beat-em-up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.

FC Twin System with One Game (NES/SNES) $47.99

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie (Genesis) $7.50
Thats cool. I like that you found those. Keep up the good finds.
Those FC Twins are fresh as anything! I'm considering buying one (or a copycat) from ebay asap, considering I only have an Australian SNES and no NES.
Kudos man.
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