Tuesday, April 1, 2008

You've Got to be Kidding

Well, life just continues to suck. There I was, wading peacefully in the shallows here in Florida, minding my own business, when I feel a little tug on my right hand. The tug was so slight that I mistook it for a rolling wave and ignored it. Boy was that a mistake.

About a minute later, there's a huge splash to my side and a red-hot searing pain tears through my index, middle and ring finger. I look down just in time to see a small, dark shadow beneath the water motor away. And yes, there's blood EVERYWHERE.

It's not until I'm out of the water and on the beach that I notice my fingers are MISSING. This is just great. There go all those piano lessons. And now I'm here in the hotel typing this entry with bandaged, bloodied stubs.

Thankfully. Man, I hope I didn't just jinx myself.