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Satisfy your sweet tooth!
Please please please please please stop the twitter. I hate that site more than anything and think of you as too good a friend to watch you start using it. Think of the children.
No but seriously twitter is the most retarded thing I've ever seen. YOu really want to be involved with that shit?
I know...but I don't want to seem like I'm not tech savvy. Plus, people like Stephen Fry twitter constantly and it feels like I'm there, following him around London and Hollywood.
You can be my friend, Mike.
Sorry Jay, Ryan brings so many things to the table that you don't.
yeah, like money for an apartment! (or maybe, considering the market, we should buy a house?) Bad news though. I have a terrible tooth ache, like I may need another root canal. And I don't have dental insurance. I may be saying good bye to a lot of my money.
oh wow, I totally read your comment in reverse. This is awkward.
Huh? Call me tomorrow if you get a chance.
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