I'm finding that I'm starting to get a little annoyed about how frequently some of the people to which I've subscribed twitter (David Gregory and Stephen Fry, I'm looking at you). Maybe I just don't "get" twitter yet, but some users spam every little mundane event in their lives --which would be fine maybe 2 or 3 times a day. I enjoy the voyeuristic look into other lives that twitter provides. But the experience is becoming a mind numbing deluge of frivolous information.
So ... is there a site that auto-generates custom macros with this image? or am I going to have to edit the speech bubbles by hand?
There probably is...but I've only found the image.
just a thought, perhaps if you actually found more people/things to follow on twitter it wouldn't seem like the ones you do follow are spamming. twitter is for skimmers not for readers. my advice would be to start by accumulating people to follow; creating diversity will make for a more interesting customized homepage anyhow. I have to admit that the twitter search sucks, and is often difficult to pinpoint exactly that person or business or whatever you want to follow that may or may not even be there. But as twitter becomes more and more popular, more and more will join. Take home message: try to add 50-100 more people to follow on twitter, don't read everything, just skim. In return you will build followers as your own presence is increased. And most importantly, BE VERY PATIENT with it. Try to add 2-5 people to follow a day. Twitter should and can be a lot more than just voyeurism (as much fun as that is :P) I really think that twitter is the next big thing since facebook, and youtube before that.
Twitter is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. Everyone on there: get a fucking life. NO ONE CARES.
and then there's that opinion too :P
Jay, you can follow me on twitter. I only tweet really dumb things sometimes. tfltft
I'm with Mike. I rolled my eyes at Justin's claim that Twitter is the next big thing since Youtube. If he turns out to be right, then I guess I'll definitely be one of the Pentagon guys in Jay's FutureMan picture. Because personally, I think Twitter:
(a) is just a fad which people will tire of in less than a year, and
(b) is the single greatest exercise in vanity since the invention of the weblog.
Honestly. Nobody gives a shit that you just woke up and are brushing your teeth. Nobody gives a shit that you're 5 minutes late for work. Nobody gives a shit that you got to work and they had no coffee. Twitter is what would happen if Faceboom became nothing but its Status Update feature -- and more specifically if it became one which was updated once every several hours rather than once every one to two days.
Tycho and Gabe explained it best.
Facebook, Faceboom, same thing. ;p
Go Ryan! I thought of posting the same Penny Arcade.
It's fine to be cynical about an interface that easily allows you to talk about the fact that you're brushing your teeth or are currently taking a dump. I agree. Who cares? I get that critique. It's such an EASY criticism: lazy, ignorant, juvenile, with both eyes shut. It's all about HOW you use the interface and with whom you CHOOSE to associate. That's all. Its an exercise in community building. Simple. You take out what you put in, you build, you learn, you block, you ignore, you move through it, you exercise, you EDIT. It is progressive and dynamic and micro and movable.
Hate all you want, its not going to go away. It will just be improved upon. And there is PLENTY of room for improvement-- as with all things.
I admit that I rolled my eyes at my last post too. "Bigger than youtube." I have a tendency to exaggerate, I admit. But I think it is perfectly valid to say that twitter is a new, and different approach to social media networks that could stand a little tweaking before we completely nullify its utility.
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