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Prominent scientists will attend our call on Thursday, Feb 12 at 1pm New York time. Below are the names of our special guests - or those that have agreed to support our group and have their names listed below.
Sign-up here for the free seminar with some of the world's top scientists: (you have to click on this link to actually register for this - not enough to be registered on Facebook)
- Dr. George Amato, American Museum of Natural History
- Professor Andrew Baker, Columbia; Director, Coral Research Lab
- Professor Rodolfo Dirzo at Stanford
- Professor John Dowling at Harvard
- Dr. John Durant, MIT Museum
- Professor Marc Hauser at Harvard
- Professor Jonathan Losos at Harvard
- Professor Paul Olsen, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- Professor Hidde Ploegh, Whitehead Institute, MIT
- Professor Peter Raven at Washington University, President Missouri Botanical Garden
- John Rennie, Editor-in-Chief, Scientific American
- Professor Maryellen Ruvolo at Harvard
- Professor Laurie Santos at Yale
- Professor Jonathan Weiner, Columbia (author "Beak of the Finch")
Again, on Thurs, Feb 12 group at 1pm New York time we will come together via free teleconference to hear from the scientists above ...sign-up here for the free seminar:
I've registered. You should too! This is a unique opportunity to listen to and, apparently, converse with leading scientists. And don't forget to join the facebook group celebrating Darwin's 200th birthday!
I've just spent the better part of an hour reading through this blog and going through your portfolio.
Here are my observations:
1) We have the same middle name!
2) Your blog is what my blog aspires to be. Only instead of insightful, often meaningful writings of composers, social commentaries, and the fine arts...mine contains fart jokes and the occasional picture of larger-than-average cats. And also boobs.
3) My personal John Williams favorite is the Jurassic Park theme, but Duel of Fates is a close second.
I have a blogspot.com account, too and I never knew it could be so deep and useful. I'd love to set up a portfolio, too.
Well that comment made my day. Thanks! But believe me, this blog has its fair share of fart jokes and adorable animals. Actually, I think the site suffers from not enough focus and just being a random smattering of all my interests. Oh well. It is what it is.
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