Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gentle Louis

I received this very nice review of "A Hero Rises in the East" on

Eastern textures

Very nice use of eastern style instrumentation to create an enchanting and mysterious mood!

What I liked the most about this work, is that it had an air of grandness about it without ever getting too pompous and staying musically simple at the same time!

The mood was indeed quite enchanting! I enjoyed it very much! All the very best of luck with your work!

Reviewed by: LuiGentile, Germany

As I looked at the reviewer, Louis Gentile, I knew his name sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Then I remembered.

This is the Louis Gentile who wrote the delightfully bizarre and catchy tune, "Poor Hamster"! And he gave my song a favorable review!

To lift a phrase from another famous rodent, I'd say this is "way past cool."


SuiginChou said...

I have several of Louis Gentle's songs on my computer. That is indeed beyond cool. Next we'll be hearing about "JCoulton" posting a review on your page? ;D