I think a commenter on Kotaku put it best:
"The only thing less funny than Family Circus is Dick Cheney. And he even had that "shooting-an-old-guy-in-the-face-while-hunting" knee-slapper. So, come to think of it, there is nothing less funny than Family Circus. Nothing."
I completely agree.
That's less funny than a regular Family Circus strip (which would still be "not funny"). Impressive.
Know who's incredibly funny and equally subversive? Calvin and Hobbes:
As someone who's only ever enjoyed Calvin & Hobbes comics that have crossed his path, and never been one to actually try and read the series, I have to say I was really surprised by the fact that that's the real deal. I've always loved Calvin & Hobbes comics people show me, and these were no exception (so thanks, Dan! :)), but I have to say ... I'm amazed newspapers would publish half of the stuff we just read above Garfield and beneath Charlie Brown. I mean ... a child contemplating "snowman suicide"? Dark.
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